n0=ºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0:/me is using 4⌐½ñ12ºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.04ñ╗⌐
n3=E&mergency Ignore:/eignore
n6=Status &Reports
n7=.&Status (Auto):/clear | /status1
n8=.My &Status:/clear | /status
n9=.Bot &Status:/clear | /status2
n10=.All &Status:/clear | /status0
n12=.Clones &Status:/clear | /report
n14=Special Font
n15=.Encrypt:/encrypt $$?="Enter Message To Encrypt"
n16=.Decriypt:/decrypt $$?="Enter Message To Decrypt"
n17=.Color:/c $$?="Enter Message"
n18=.Color2:/rb $$?="Enter Message"
n19=.Color W/ Bg:/rbb $$?="Enter Message"
n20=.Ascii:/ascii $$?="Enter Message"
n21=.Leet:/lt $$?="Enter Message"
n22=.Color Leet:/rbl $$?="Enter Message"
n23=.Color Leet W/ Bg:/bgl $$?="Enter Message"
n24=.Color Leet W/ Bg2:/arl $$?="Enter Message"
n25=.UpdOwn:/updown $$?="Enter Message"
n26=.Christmas:/ar $$?="Enter Message"
n27=.Screwed:/rbr $$?="Enter Message"
n28=.Christmas:/chr $$?="Enter Message"
n29=.Multi Bg:/bg $$?="Enter Message"
n30=.Multi Bg2:/drb $$?="Enter Message"
n32=Basic &Options
n33=.Away O&ptions
n34=..Set &Pager Away:/.enable #away | /ame is away $+ $$?="Enter what your doing" $+ type /notice $me page if you need me, messages recorded. | /timer7 0 800 /ame is away $+ $! $+ type /notice $me page if you need me, messages recorded. | /away $+ $! $+ type /notice $me page messages recorded. | /set %awaytime $time | /set %away Yes, since %awaytime $+ $! $+ | /write -l $mircdir $+ text\msg.txt Away at ( $adate ) ( $time ) on $server as $me
n35=..Set Pa&ger Back:/ame is Back | /away | /timer7 off | /set %away No | /.disable #away | /write -l $mircdir $+ text\msg.txt Returned on ( $adate ) ( $time ) on $server as $me | /pages
n36=..Set &Away...:/away $$?="Enter your away message:" | /set %awaytime $time | /set %away Yes, since %awaytime $$!
n37=..Set &Back...:/away | /set %away No
n39=..View All Msgs:/run c:\windows\notepad.exe $mircdir $+ text\msg.txt
n40=..Clear all Msgs:/write -c $mircdir $+ text\msg.txt Messages cleared on ( $adate ) | /echo VIEWER 3<|Message|>Text archive has been cleared.
n42=..Anti &Lag
n46=..On:/.timer432 0 200 /timercheck
n47=..Off:/.timer432 off
n49=..Back:/set %away No | /pino | /away | /.disable #away | /ame is Back. | /write -l $mircdir $+ text\msg.txt Returned on ( $adate ) ( $time ) on $server as $me | /pages
n50=.Viewer Edit
n51=..Server Notices
n52=...On:/set %servm On
n53=...Off:/set %servm Off
n54=..Wallops in Viewer
n55=...On:/set %wallm On
n56=...Off:/set %wallm Off
n57=..CTCP in Viewer
n58=...On:/set %ctcpv On
n59=...Off:/set %ctcpv Off
n60=..Net Splits(Undernet)
n61=...On:/set %splitv On
n62=...Off:/set %splitv Off
n63=.W&ho's On
n64=..Wh&o:/who $$?="Enter nick or server to do a /who on"
n426=...Join Channel:/dde 10 command "" /join $$?="Enter channel to join"
n427=...Part Channel:/dde 10 command ""/part $$="Enter channel to part"
n431=.N&ick Collide Protect
n432=.. &On:/timer20 0 10 /play -cr # $mircdir $+ \text\pnicks.txt | /echo 4 This basically changes your nick every 20 seconds, so if you dont want it turn it off.
n433=.. &Off:/timer20 Off
n434=.T&ext Flood Protect
n436=...&On:/flood 1 1 500
n437=...&Off:/flood off
n439=...&On:/flood 1 1 500 | /ignore -tn*
n440=...&Off:/flood off /ignore off
n442=...&On:/flood 1 1 500 | /ignore -tpn*
n443=...&Off:/flood off | /ignore off
n444=.Dcc Fl&ood Protect
n445=..&On:/creq ignore
n446=..&Off:/creq ask
n447=.CT&CP Flood Protect
n449=...&On:/.enable #flood | /specho Flood protection is only allowing ( $+ %mctcp $+ ) CTCPs to be responded to.
n450=...&Off:/.disable #flood | /specho Flood protection now off!
n0=ºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97:/me is using 12,11⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐
n3=.DNS:/dns $$1
n4=.Query:/query $$1
n5=.UCentral:/uwho $$1
n6=.Whois:/whois $$1
n7=.Ignore:/ignore $$1
n8=.Notify:/notify $$1
n10=.My Status:/clear | /status
n11=.Bot Status:/clear | /status0
n12=.All Status:/clear | /status1
n13=.On Nick:/enable #hoosier | /hoosier $$1
n15=.Ping:/ctcp $$1 ping
n16=.Finger:/ctcp $$1 finger
n17=.Version:/ctcp $$1 version
n18=.Time:/ctcp $$1 time
n19=.Userinfo:/ctcp $$1 userinfo
n20=.ClientInfo:/ctcp $$1 clientinfo
n22=.Send:/dcc send $$1
n23=.Chat:/dcc chat $$1
n25=.Text Files
n26=..Jokes:/joke $$1
n27=..Yomama:/yomama $$1
n28=..Redneck:/redneck $$1
n29=..Lazlong:/lazlong $$1
n30=..Jackhand:/jackhand $$1
n31=.Great CaLvN Stuff
n32=..Calvin and Hobbes
n33=...Spaceman Spiff:/say $$1 Spaceman Spiff is the greatest intergalactic explorer of all time, his prowwess is unmatched in the galaxy!
n34=...Spaceman Spiff Fry:/me takes out his neutron blaster, sets it on deep fat fry, and sends the aliens scum $$1 to an untimely demise!
n35=...Rocketship Underpants:/say "There are days even your lucky rocketship underpants don't help." Calvin
n36=...Calvin Ball:/say "Thats the best part, there is only one rule: That there are no rules!" Calvin
n37=...Hobbes:/say "Trust me you look like....like... Astroboy." Hobbes
n38=...Suzie Derkins:/say "Your bangs do a good job of covering your lobotomy scars, $$1" Calvin
n39=...Spaceman Spiff Debrief:/say "The valiant Spaceman Spiff is led by his captors to a secret dungeon to de briefed!" | /say "Little do they realize that our hero doesn't wear briefs!" Calvin
n41=..Ferris Bueller's Day Off
n42=...Cameron Fry:/say He'll keep callin' me, he'll keep callin me, he'll keep callin me til I come over, he'll make me feel guilty. Ok I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, Ok, I'll go; Shit. "Cameron Fry"
n43=...Ferris Life:/say Life moves pretty fast, you have to stop and look around every once in a while or you could miss it. "Ferris Bueller"
n44=...Ferris Walrus:/say ...after all he was the walrus, I could be the walrus, I'd still have to bum rides off of people. "Ferris Bueller"
n45=...Ferris Bought:/say They bought it. "Ferris Bueller"
n46=...Ferris Incredible:/say Incredible, one of the worst performances of my career and they never doubted it for a second. "Ferris Bueller"
n47=...Ferris School:/say How could i possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this. "Ferris Bueller"
n48=...Ferris Anarchists:/say ...they could be fascist anarchists it still wouldn't change the fact that I don't own a car. "Ferris Bueller"
n49=...Ferris Highschool:/say ...I know it seems childish and stupid but, then again, so is high school. "Ferris Bueller"
n50=...Ferris Dad:/say ...What's he doin? ... He's licking the glass and making obscene gestures with his hands. "Ferris Bueller" and "Sloan Peterson"
n51=.Slaps and stuff
n52=..Block Attack:/me blocks $$1's futile and hopeless attack!
n53=..Glare at User:/me glares sharply at $$1 !
n54=..Punch User:/me punches $$1 sharply in the nose!
n55=..Shoot User:/me blows $$1 away with a double barrel shotgun!
n56=..Grenade User:/me takes out a grenade ... pulls the pin ... 4 ... 3 ..2 ... tosses it at $$1! | /say Damn...what a BLAST!!!
n57=..Hang User:/me puts a tight rope around $$1's neck and opens the channel trapdoor! | /say hung!!!
n58=..Cast Spell:/me casts a magical spell of $?="What kind of spell?" upon $$1!
n59=..punch user:/me pulls back his fist and Hits $$1 Sharply in there $$?="where did ya hit um??"!!!! | /say that hurt LOL LOL!!!
n60=..kick user:/me moves back to do a roundhouse and hit $$1 in the $$?="and you hit them..."!!!
n61=..shoot user with?:/say Ok, you R bugging me, Tyme to get ruff, $$1 | /me pulls out his $$?="your???" and Shoots it at $$1 to cause some MAJOR damage to their $$?="damage to??"
n62=..sword user:/say Want to bring this bak in tyme?? | /me gets on his armor and ulls out his Version 5.83 Dark Dragon Sword | /say you asked fer it | /me hits $$1 with the sword in their $$?="where did you hit um??"
n63=..Menu Slap!:/me Beats on $$1 awhile with $$?="Use a or an... What U Usin G?" ... Hope it HeRTz
n64=..Brain Swish!:/me Sticks a RED Hot Curling Iron In $1's Ear And Swishes Thier Brain Around For awhile... Is It Clear Now??
n65=..Behavior Slap Kick:/me tells $$1 to BEHAVE! | /kick # $$1 BEHAVE YOU FUCK <K>
n66=..Midevil!:/me begins to prepare for the upcoming brawl. | /me whips out his iron maiden, guillitien, and his world famous rack then prepares to get midevil! | /say HEH HEH HEH...!
n67=..Goat1:/say Son of a motherless goat!
n68=..Amigoes:/say We raped the horses and rode off on the women!
n69=..Monster Stuff
n70=...monster:/say arugh, you are beetin me | /me falls to the ground | /me turns in to a Huge monster with 300 teeth and a large tail!!! | /me growls
n71=...ms Tail:/say HAHAHAHAHA | /me whips tail at $$1 to break their $$?="what did ya break??" | /me shows his 300 teeth!
n72=...ms Fire:/say GRRRRRR | /me opens mouth and blows fire at $$1, charing their $$?=charing there..."
n73=...ms Gunney Sack:/say HAHAHAHA | /me Grabs $$1 and tosses them into a gunney sack, then comences to beat the livin daylights out of them! | /say HAHAHAHA, got you!!
n74=...ms Teeth /me Grins uncontrolably with all 300 teeth. | /say Look at them pearly whites. | /me then bites $$1's head off, with them pearlies. | /say Gulp....HAHAHAHAH!!
n75=...ms.Attack!!!:/me unleashes total destructive carnage in $$1s path. $$1 runs but only to realize that his fatel cries of mercy cannot be heard. He gets triped up by and on of the monsters fall. He falls to the ground not knowing what will become of him. Then suddenly, one of the vicious beastes jabbs at $$1!! With his mouth hung open he devoursers every bit of $$1's little body. Now, all that remains are $$1's glasses and his school books. People now know that if they act like $$1 did, then there will be no end to there PAIN!!
n76=...ms goback:/say I am not being fair am I?? | /me turns back to a mortal
n0=⌐ºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97⌐:/ame is using 12,11⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐
n4=..Ping:/ctcp $$1 ping
n5=..Finger:/ctcp $$1 finger
n6=..Version:/ctcp $$* version
n7=..Time:/ctcp $$1 time
n8=..Userinfo:/ctcp $$1 userinfo
n9=..ClientInfo:/ctcp $$1 clientinfo
n10=..Page:/ctcp $$1 page
n12=..Send:/dcc send $$1
n13=..Chat:/dcc chat $$1
n14=.Whois:/whois $$1
n15=.Uwho:/uwho $$1
n16=.Ignore:/ignore $$1
n17=.Query:/query $$1
n18=.DNS:/dns $$1
n21=.Takeover:/mode # +pstnl 1 | /topic # Takeover made possible by ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ | /massd
n22=.Takeover with Kick:/mode # +pstnl 1 | /topic # Takeover made possible by ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ | /timer 1 10 /massk | /massd
n23=.Takeover with Ban:/mode # +pstnl 1 | /topic # Takeover made possible by ⌐½ñ ºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ | /timer 1 10 /massb | /massd
n24=.Takeover with BanKick:/mode # +pstnl 1 | /topic # Takeover made possible by ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ | /timer 1 10 /masskb | /massd
n27=.(These Include You):/
n28=.Mass Whois:/whois $*
n29=.Mass Op:/mode # +o $*
n30=.Mass Deop:/mode # -o $*
n31=.MAss Voice:/mode # +v $*
n32=.Mass UnVoice:/mode $chan -v $*
n33=.Mass CTCP:/ctcp $$* $$?="Enter CTCP type..."
n34=.Mass Invite:/invite $$* $?="Channel Name"
n35=.Mass Notice:/notice $$* $$?="Enter your notice"
n68=.Add Enemy:/guser 32 $$* 3 | /notice $$* ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ You have been added to ENEMY list! | /dde goons command "" /guser 32 $$* 3
n69=.Remove Enemy:/ruser 32 $$* 3 | /notice $$* ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ You have been removed from my enemy list! | /dde goons command "" /ruser 32 $$* 3
n70=A&nti Lag
n71=.&On:/pin | /set %pin on
n72=.&Off:/pino | /set %pin off
n75=.Block Attack:/me blocks $$*'s futile and hopeless attack!
n76=.Glare at User:/me glares sharply at $$* !
n77=.Punch User:/me punches $$* sharply in the nose!
n78=.Shoot User:/me blows $$* away with a double barrel shotgun!
n79=.Grenade User:/me takes out a grenade ... pulls the pin ... 4 ... 3 ..2 ... tosses it at $$*! | /say Damn...what a BLAST!!!
n80=.Hang User:/me puts a tight rope around $$*'s neck and opens the channel trapdoor! | /say hung!!!
n81=.Cast Spell:/me casts a magical spell of $?="What kind of spell?" upon $$*!
n82=.punch user:/me pulls back his fist and Hits $$* Sharply in there $$?="where did ya hit um??"!!!! | /say that hurt LOL LOL!!!
n83=.kick user:/me moves back to do a roundhouse and hit $$* in the $$?="and you hit them..."!!!
n84=.shoot user with?:/say Ok, you R bugging me, Tyme to get ruff, $$* | /me pulls out his $$?="your???" and Shoots it at $$* to cause some MAJOR damage to their $$?="damage to??"
n85=.sword user:/say Want to bring this bak in tyme?? | /me gets on his armor and ulls out his Version 5.83 Dark Dragon Sword | /say you asked fer it | /me hits $$* with the sword in their $$?="where did you hit um??"
n86=.M&ore Slaps
n87=..Menu Slap!:/me Beats on $$* awhile with $$?="Use a or an... What U Usin G?" ... Hope it HeRTz
n88=..Brain Swish!:/me Sticks a RED Hot Curling Iron In $$*'s Ear And Swishes Thier Brain Around For awhile... Is It Clear Now??
n89=..Behavior Slap Kick:/me tells $$* to BEHAVE! | /kick # $$* BEHAVE YOU FUCK <K>
n90=..Midevil!:/me begins to prepare for the upcoming brawl. | /me whips out his iron maiden, guillitien, and his world famous rack then prepares to get midevil! | /say HEH HEH HEH...!
n91=..Goat1:/say Son of a motherless goat!
n92=..Amigoes:/say We raped the horses and rode off on the women!
n93=..Monst&er Stuff
n94=...monster:/say arugh, you are beetin me | /me falls to the ground | /me turns in to a Huge monster with 300 teeth and a large tail!!! | /me growls
n95=...ms Tail:/say HAHAHAHAHA | /me whips tail at $$* to break their $$?="what did ya break??" | /me shows his 300 teeth!
n96=...ms Fire:/say GRRRRRR | /me opens mouth and blows fire at $$*, charing their $$?=charing there..."
n97=...ms Gunney Sack:/say HAHAHAHA | /me Grabs $$* and tosses them into a gunney sack, then comences to beat the livin daylights out of them! | /say HAHAHAHA, got you!!
n98=...ms Teeth /me Grins uncontrolably with all 300 teeth. | /say Look at them pearly whites. | /me then bites $$*'s head off, with them pearlies. | /say Gulp....HAHAHAHAH!!
n99=...ms.Attack!!!:/me unleashes total destructive carnage in $$s path. $$* runs but only to realize that his fatel cries of mercy cannot be heard. He gets triped up by and on of the monsters fall. He falls to the ground not knowing what will become of him. Then suddenly, one of the vicious beastes jabbs at $$*!! With his mouth hung open he devoursers every bit of $$*'s little body. Now, all that remains are $$*'s glasses and his school books. People now know that if they act like $$* did, then there will be no end to there PAIN!!
n100=...ms goback:/say I am not being fair am I?? | /me turns back to a mortal
n105=.Remote Levels
n106=..Add User
n107=...Level 2 user:/dde goons command "" /guser 2 $$1 3 | /dde goons Command "" /notice $$1 ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ You have been added to Level 2 of my user listplease type !commands ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐
n108=...Level 3 user:/dde goons command "" /guser 3 $$1 3 | /dde goons Command "" /notice $$1 ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ You have been added to Level 3 of my user list please type !commands ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐
n109=...Level 5 user:/dde goons command "" /guser 5 $$1 3 | /dde goons Command "" /notice $$1 ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ Youve been added to level 5 of my user list please type !commands ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐
n110=...Level 50 user:/dde goons command "" /guser 50 $$1 3 | /dde goons Command "" /notice $$1 ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ You have been added to my user list user list with access of: | /dde goons Command "" /notice $$1 ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ Level 50. | /dde goons Command "" /notice $$1 When Iam opped in a channel and you enter you will also be opped when you join. Type !commands for some of the things you can do. ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐
n111=...Level 500 user:/dde goons command "" /guser 500 $$1 3 | /dde goons Command "" /notice $$1 ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ You have been added to my user list user list with access of: | /dde goons Command "" /notice $$1 ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ Level 500. | /dde goons Command "" /notice $$1 When Iam opped in a channel and you enter you will also be opped when you join. Type !commands for some of the things you can do. ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐
n112=..Remove User
n113=...Take Level 2:/dde goons command "" /ruser 2 $$1 | /dde goons Command "" /notice $$1 ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ You have been REMOVED from my user list... ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐
n114=...Take Level 3:/dde goons command "" /ruser 3 $$1 | /dde goons Command "" /notice $$1 ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ You have been REMOVED from my user list...⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐
n115=...Take Level 5:/dde goons command "" /ruser 5 $$1 | /dde goons Command "" /notice $$1 ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ You have been REMOVED from my user list...⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐
n116=...Take Level 50:/dde goons command "" /ruser 50 $$1 | /dde goons Command "" /notice $$1 ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ You have been REMOVED from my user list... ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐
n117=...Take Level 500:/dde goons command "" /ruser 500 $$1 | /dde goons Command "" /notice $$1 ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐ You have been REMOVED from my user list... ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐
n167=..Spaceman Spiff:/say $$* Spaceman Spiff is the greatest intergalactic explorer of all time, his prowwess is unmatched in the galaxy!
n168=..Spaceman Spiff Fry:/me takes out his neutron blaster, sets it on deep fat fry, and sends the aliens scum $$1 to an untimely demise!
n169=..Rocketship Underpants:/say "There are days even your lucky rocketship underpants don't help." Calvin
n170=..Calvin Ball:/say "Thats the best part, there is only one rule: That there are no rules!" Calvin
n171=..Hobbes:/say "Trust me you look like....like... Astroboy." Hobbes
n172=..Suzie Derkins:/say "Your bangs do a good job of covering your lobotomy scars, $$1" Calvin
n173=..Spaceman Spiff Debrief:/say "The valiant Spaceman Spiff is led by his captors to a secret dungeon to de briefed!" | /say "Little do they realize that our hero doesn't wear briefs!" Calvin
n175=.Ferris B&ueller's Day Off
n176=..Cameron Fry:/say He'll keep callin' me, he'll keep callin me, he'll keep callin me til I come over, he'll make me feel guilty. Ok I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, Ok, I'll go; Shit. "Cameron Fry"
n177=..Ferris Life:/say Life moves pretty fast, you have to stop and look around every once in a while or you could miss it. "Ferris Bueller"
n178=..Ferris Walrus:/say ...after all he was the walrus, I could be the walrus, I'd still have to bum rides off of people. "Ferris Bueller"
n179=..Ferris Bought:/say They bought it. "Ferris Bueller"
n180=..Ferris Incredible:/say Incredible, one of the worst performances of my career and they never doubted it for a second. "Ferris Bueller"
n181=..Ferris School:/say How could i possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this. "Ferris Bueller"
n182=..Ferris Anarchists:/say ...they could be fascist anarchists it still wouldn't change the fact that I don't own a car. "Ferris Bueller"
n183=..Ferris Highschool:/say ...I know it seems childish and stupid but, then again, so is high school. "Ferris Bueller"
n184=..Ferris Dad:/say ...What's he doin? ... He's licking the glass and making obscene gestures with his hands. "Ferris Bueller" and "Sloan Peterson"
n0=⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐
n1=⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐:/ame is using 12,11 ⌐½ñºó«Φw ºó«∩pt'97 v1.0ñ╗⌐